The Six Steps for Writing a Successful E-book

One of the best ways to start an online business and make money from home is to find out what information people want and then sell it to them in the form of an e-book!

A huge mistake that new e-book publishers make is to first write an e-book on a subject that they themselves are interested in, and then try to dig up a market from a related niche and persuade them, without much success, that they too should have the same interests in buying the book.

Needless to say, this is not the best way to start out in the world of e-book publishing. First you need to research the niche, discover the market and what information they want, and then go about the task of putting into words, the information that they will gladly hand over their hard earned money for.

Here are six steps to a successful e-book:

#1 - What Subjects are You Knowledgeable About?

Make a list of all the things you could confidently write about. It's much easier, and a lot less work, to write about a subject in which you already have knowledge. Do you have hobbies that others would be interested to hear about? Do not make the mistake of assuming that because you are knowledgeable about a particular subject, others are too. You would be surprised at what you know that other people don't. We all have our own subjects of expertise!

Once you have decided on your topic, research the niches where this topic could be turned into profits. Don't be discouraged if the niche is already quite popular, this could an advantage to you. A popular niche is proof that there is already a market, and money to be made. Just be sure that your product is superior to the competition.

#2 - Find Their Itch And Scratch It!

You need to know what their problems are, find out what is missing in their life. What information do they want? The answer to these questions, and others, should be your main focus. You need to focus on what they don't have, sometimes you even have to tell them what it is that is missing and why they need it, and when you give it to them, they will reward you financially.

#3 - Do Your Research.

When you decide to start writing you should be well prepared. Don't sit at your desk one day and then decide that today, here and now, is the time to write your first e-book. Chances are that it will not work and if it does it will not be nearly the quality that it needs to be!

You must first research your subject, collect all the information you possibly can, and put it into a specified folder on your computer. Then when you feel you have all the information you need, you can proceed to bring it all together in an organized manner. This will make your e-book much higher quality, fluent and easy to read.

#4 - Create Your Masterpiece.

Now it's time to get down to it and start writing. Refer to your folder where you stored all your information, choose from your organized lists, and start writing. A great tip given by many when it comes to writing is to start and don't stop. Write down everything that comes into your head. If you try to think too much about what you are writing you will forget important information and it will take you much longer to finish.

In this step just get your thoughts written down. You will be editing and correcting later on. Write your e-book in smaller chunks rather than trying to do it all in one sitting. This will help prevent you from suffering from writers block.

Most importantly, keep it simple! The average adult only reads somewhere around the 8th grade level, so don't write as if you've just devoured two dictionaries and a thesaurus for breakfast! Write as if you were in a conversation with an average everyday person.

# 5 - Check Your Work.

Now is the time to re-read and edit your work. Read it through several times and be sure to check spelling and grammar errors. If it's hard for you, the writer, to read and understand then it will probably be about impossible others!

Give it to a member of your family or a good friend and ask them to read it through and give you an unbiased opinion as to whether they understand it. If they don't, why not? If necessary re-write it and then go through this step again.

# 6 - Put the Finishing Touches on it.

Somewhere along the line you have to decide that your e-book is finished. There will always be something that pops into your head later on... that little snippet that wish you would have used. Don't worry about it! The important thing is that you have passed on well researched, unbiased, quality information to someone who was in search of it.

Okay now that you have finished writing your e-book, it's time for the real work to start... You have to promote it to your target market and get sales!